Step Up, Step Forward
So as many of you know, DESIGNS by Rashada is a part time endeavor that follows the heels of a full time “client”, Walker Technical Company, where I do not only design work, but IT services as well. I began working at Walker straight out of college. I could work my day job and still help my clients, allowing me to flex my creative muscles in the process. Now, nearly 10 years after parking myself at Walker, I am taking my company’s wheels out for a spin and investing some of that “9-5”, or should I say “8-6”, time into my personal business pursuits.
It can be a pretty scary thing to say to yourself “Listen, we’re going to step it up a notch and really get out into the marketplace.” Yes! “…but wait, is this smart during a recession?” hmmm… “Is there really a consistent need for design skills?” Dude! Do not want to loose income! “Are you even good enough at your trade yet?” That’s a hard question to answer…
These are all legitimate points to consider, but the more I sat pondering them, the more I realized that I was really spending time with my fears. Then, someone said to me, “Don’t over think it. You plan yes, but then you get on it!”
K, getting on if for me meant that I was going to practice a normal day of working for myself. I took a Friday to network, work on my website update and touch base with a client. The funny thing is, whenever you attempt to start a new habit, the old tend to creep up on the onset. Friday was no different as I woke to realize that I still had a report due for Walker despite being “off”. Two hours later, that was under wraps and then came some urgent household work. What’s the deal with that stuff? Does the house know that you are home and then decry its state? Well, with those issues out of the way, I dove into some photo work.
Lunchtime rushed upon me and it was time to meet Vica. Now Vica rocks! As the owner of Black Forest Deli in Bethlehem, she networks with quite a few people. I think it helps that the food at Black Forest Deli is a must try. I enjoy food from all cultures and I think that this was my first introduction to Ukrainian cuisine.
The Borshe soup and Perogies are hand made and do not disappoint… but I digress- do not get me talking about food!
Vica’s got a story that I can all relate to. She worked for six years in the human resources field and then decided it that it was time for a change. She and her mom have worked the deli for eight years and it is still going strong. Vica is quite a people person and upon meeting her, you feel like you have known her for a lot longer than you have.
See change! “Change is good” to date myself and quote those long gone Taco Bell commercials. It’s crazy that I write this post after my last one where I was so tentative about change. (I’m currently typing from my new office space by the way, which is just fine and a tad bit cleaner and brighter too ;0)
Vica embraced change and now has a successful deli that she loves to run (and de-lish food at her fingertips…). Isn’t making the choice to move forward and pursue what you love sometimes the scariest part of change? What if you fail? What if you loose income and adversely affect those you love, like your family who rely on you?
…Or, what if you said no to the fear, prayed for direction, and planned effectively? What if you stepped out and tested the waters and gave up some “free” time to practice doing what you think you want to do in the future?
That’s what my Friday was all about for me. Well, that and one great meal!